Record your Play or Drill


how to record and save a play/drill
  1. record your play/drill, for instructions click here, or Help! in PlayMaker Applet.
  2. click the 'Save Data' button bellow
  3. click the TEXT AREA bellow and hit CTRL-A and CTRL-C to copy data into buffer
  4. save the recorded data by pasting (CTRL-V) the buffer into a text file
  5. send me an email at indicating
  6.     - your name
        - name of the play/drill
        - category, being play or drill
        - summary of the play/drill
        - description of the play/drill
        - the recorded data of the play/drill (as attachment in a text file)

    I will then review the play/drill and add it to the list of plays and drills.

The PlayMaker Java Applet was developed by Bharat Mediratta, who can be contacted at